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Talk to Your DoctorMake the most of your doctor visits.

Getting ready to talk with your doctor? We have a guide to help with that.

It can be tough to remember exactly what to talk about at the doctor’s office. To ensure you cover everything, it can be helpful to prepare some questions beforehand and have them with you during your appointment. Remember, talking with your doctor is the best way to make sure your management plan for bronchiectasis (BE) is working. Here are a few questions to consider as a starting point.

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Important questions for your next doctor’s visit

General BE questions:

  • Living with BE makes me feel (describe your feelings). BE makes it hard to (describe an activity). What can I do differently to manage my BE?
  • How often should I check in with you, and how often do I need to schedule follow-up visits?
  • What are our goals? What will we measure to track how I’m doing?
  • Are there any dietary changes I should consider to help manage my BE?

Questions about BE flares:

  • I think I’ve had about (insert number) BE flares since my last visit. Is there anything I can do to help reduce them?
  • I seem to have BE flares when (insert triggers), and it forces me to (insert how you cope). Is there anything we can do to manage my condition?
  • What can I do if my BE flares are starting to happen more often?
  • Are there any specific triggers or factors that increase my risk of BE flares?

Browse resources.

BE Symptom Snapshot

Use this tool to help you keep track of when your BE symptoms get worse so you can talk to your doctor about possible BE flares and how you’ve been doing between appointments.

Doctor Discussion Guide

Use these important questions about BE as a guide to get the most out of your next doctor’s appointment.

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