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Real StoriesReal stories from people living with bronchiectasis.

Bronchiectasis (BE) is a relatively uncommon disease with many untold stories. Every person living with BE has a unique experience that deserves to be seen and heard. Listen as real people share their untold BE stories for the first time in our video series Unseen Scenes.

Allison’s story

Since Allison didn’t “look sick” on the outside, she struggled for years to validate her serious and debilitating condition. Watch an untold moment from Allison’s life with BE and see how sharing her experience helped her reinforce the importance of advocating for herself.

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A living mural: Unseen rituals in BE

BE can lead people to do many different, and sometimes unconventional, things to live with their disease. Do you have a unique way of completing an everyday task or a simple approach to a hurdle that makes a difference? Whatever it is, it’s worth sharing.

"Bedazzled breathing" shows a woman walking down a fashion show runway holding a bedazzled oxygen tank. A torn piece of paper has a quote from JS, a person with bronchiectasis (BE): "I make life with oxygen more fun by outfitting my tank to meet my needs and personality." "Morning manifestations" shows a megaphone next to a woman in pajamas stretching. A torn piece of paper has a quote from EH, a person with bronchiectasis (BE): "When I wake up, I give myself a little pep talk. I go, 'I'm feeling good. We're going to have a good day. Nothing will get us down.'"A collage titled "Weekly wash" depicts a woman standing in front of a bubble bath. There are calendar dates coming out of the bubbles. A torn piece of paper has a quote from AK, a person with bronchiectasis (BE): "I only take a bath once a week to conserve my energy."

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